Friday 25 November 2011

Wishful thinking!

writes as if Angela Merkel is in a position to save the Euro. Angela Merkel lives in one of the truly democratic countries where it is the Bundestag and the citizens that decide what is best for the country.
Although stopping the absurd propping up of unwilling and uncooperative Southern European countries will have grave consequences, it is hard to imagine that the German electorate will sacrifice their own rather stable position in order to continue the dubious attempts to maintain a status quo situation.

It is not only the South European countries that are in trouble. All the old industrialized countries including Germany are in trouble. Apart from the present attempts to construct a viable solution through a new treaty, the focus should be redirected from the “howling and screaming money industry”  to  the much graver problem, namely that the old industrial countries no longer are able to earn enough money to maintain their present socio economic position.

The fundamental and much graver problem, that even the best functioning European countries no longer are competitive, are getting too little attention.
The cause of the economic crisis has up till now primitively been explained as the result of too much spending, how can anybody be satisfied with such a primitive explanation?!!!
The economic crisis and the production crisis are in reality two sides of the same coin
until that is understood and accepted no real cure can be implemented!

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