The following was my response to the article:
At present all information is free, but as time and accuracy is valuable people will in future be willing to pay for high class, filtered information.
How can high class information be efficiently filtered from the cacophony of low class information noise?
In future Google and others will create markets for valuable information.
Imagine a reader taking the trouble to filter through a specific subject. After having used valuable time to carry out that job, the reader invests money in pointing to the best information, on the “Google Valuable-Information Market”. (The first to invest pay the double or triple amount compared with the following investors.)
Users of the “GVIM” pay for quarrying the subject, and from the different “paid for/chosen” contributions, the user himself choose a specific contribution and perhaps too invests in that contribution.
Google gets, as usual the advertising income and the account keeper proceeds.
All the money paid / invested in different answers to the specific problem goes to those investors that invested in the highest ranking answer to the specific problem.
The first investor gets X?%, the following investors split the rest of the proceeds. Such payments will tickle in over a 5 year period.
If the split proceeds are less than X?dollar a year per investor, no payment will be due that year and will consequently be rolled over to next year.
Later on a new and better answer is perhaps created, and the whole process starts all over again.
Such a system is a specific solution based on the "Market for ideas" algorithm.